Tuesday, April 23, 2013

To Boston With Love

In response to the events in Boston, VMQG has started a project to unite crafters worldwide and send our love and support to those affected. From the VMQG website:  "What we’re planning is a public exhibition of flags strung into banners that will be displayed in Boston..."

There are now many many other quilt guilds from all over the world joining us and I've seen flags popping up all over the internet. This is an awesome project and a flag could be completed in an afternoon. I'm so excited to see the vision unfold!

Interested in making a flag?? You don't have to be a member of a guild, anyone can participate.

 For all the details(and a much more eloquently written post) visit the VMQG  here.
A list of flag making tutorials and inspiration has been compiled here.

Now go forth and SEW!

Saturday, April 20, 2013

Doctor Who? And yes I'm still alive.

Hello Bloggy Universe. Yes. I'm still here.  Dec got busy then I got caught up in the do I post my Christmas projects because now it's Jan/Feb/March/April....Or catch up on other things that now happened long ago? Or do I just jump right in where I am now....And somehow that got me stuck in a cycle of not posting at all.

So now I'm just jumping in. With a little catch up thrown in there for kicks :)

A very special person to me delivered her third son in Jan. Her and her husband(because they are awesome) decided to do the nursery up in a Doctor Who theme. Being a fan I knew I had to contribute to the room. I decided, despite the fact that I'd never cross stitched before, that I needed to do a cross stitched T.A.R.D.I.S . I may be a little insane sometimes, one really shouldn't try something for the first time that is intended as a gift. But I persevered and loved the end product. Just don't look at the back. Really. It's not pretty.


The baby was overdue. The first 2 where on time or early. I blame myself. I had told the baby that it couldn't come until I was done working on my project. Wouldn't you know it but the baby came just hours after I finished. I didn't realize I held that kind of power or I would have made sure I was done much sooner....Oops! :)

In the nursery.

On a related note Caroline from Trillium Design and Soma from Whims and Fancies announced a Doctor Who themed Quilt-A-Long today! I am SO excited! I really do not need another project but seriously how could I say no? It starts on May 7th. Check it out!